Cover art for Monorepo Maestros

Welcome to
Monorepo Maestros

Some of the largest software engineering organizations in the world deliver using monorepos and you can, too. With the right knowledge and tooling, you can create excellent workflows that let you iterate faster than ever before.

For monorepo pupils

If you're here with no knowledge of how to put together a healthy monorepo, you're in the right place. You're about to learn valuable skills for managing code and applications in a meaningful way.

For monorepo apprentices

If you've been trying to put a monorepo together and you're finding that the necessary pieces aren't fitting together well, you're also in the right place. It's frustrating - and the documentation you need is often not helpful, too dense, or really hard to find. Good news: we've rolled up everything you need into one course.

For monorepo haters

You also may have what I like to lovingly call a "yolorepo”, a monorepo where things are hanging on by a thread and teams don't have structure about how to navigate their packages and applications. If you feel like you're constantly battling your tooling and your CI is way too slow, you're in a yolorepo.

For those who love to listen the music

You may also work in an excellent monorepo at work that someone else set up and you just want to understand what you work with every day better! That's cool, too!

Hi, I'm Anthony and I'm here to help you conduct your symphony.

Cover art for Monorepo Maestros

I've been fortunate enough to be in a position to help individuals, teams, and organizations (small and large) do the best work of their lives with monorepos. With Monorepo Maestros, I want to share that experience to benefit others.

Because when your monorepo runs smoothly...'s like a beautiful orchestra.

When the woodwinds (ESLint) work together with the strings (Prettier), you find harmony.

When the percussion (TypeScript) sounds great with the brass (GitHub Actions), your CI works like a lovely melody.

And we're going to make it fast like speed metal. 🤘

Stay tuned

We're writing more music as we speak! We're excited for what we'll unlock together to write the best music (erm, applications) possible.

To keep up with when new content is released, follow me on Twitter and star this repo.

Cover art for Monorepo Maestros